The Holy City of Jerusalem

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About the First Church

The Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem is the first Church of Christ, Jesus, established in Jerusalem in the year AD 33, by the Apostles Jesus taught. The Apostle James was Her first Bishop. In the words of Father Jack Ashcraft,


"The history of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem begins from the first Christian Community in the years of the Apostles. The Church and the Episcopacy of Jerusalem was, and is, the mother of all Churches. The Patriarchate has an adventurous history and has known many conquerors and persecutions. But there were always clergymen and the faithful who, with big sacrifices and sufferings, established the vested right of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate."
- Father Jack Ashcraft.


The Church remains today, in the integrity of the services, the guarding of Holy Tradition and received wisdom of the Saints, in the line of Apostolic Succession of Patriarchs, Bishops, and clergy, and in the unfailing faith of the people who endure despite wave after wave of persecution. All over the Middle East and in the world, Christians are being persecuted at this very moment. The western world has turned a blind eye to the fate of these martyrs. It is our hope that this website will provide insight into their ongoing plight.

His Holiness Patriarch IRINAEOS

We believe that Patriarch IRINAEOS is the rightful Patriarch of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem, who was unjustly accused, illegally removed from the Patriarchal Throne in 2005, and was held under house arrest in his cell in the patriarchal compound until 2016. He remains confined in his cell to this day, and is only permitted to leave when accompanied by a representative of Theophilus, who sits illegally on the Patriarchal Throne. The removal of Patriach IRINAEOS violated the Holy Canons of the Orthodox Church, and was brought about by a group of Greek businessmen and a corrupt synod of Bishops. We stand with His Holiness Patriarch IRINAEOS. For more information about Patriarch IRINAEOS, go to, or to find the documentary “The Patriarch’s Room,” directed by Danae Elon, an excellent introduction to the subject.

About Abuna John

Father John Claypool was born Robert John Claypool, in Los Angeles California, to an Orthodox Christian family of Palestinian descent. He earned a degree in theology and law at Pepperdine University, and worked in law enforcement and international security from 1975 until 1994, primarily in the Middle East and Africa. He is an expert in Orthodox Canon Law, and worked with Dr. Walter Martin as a consultant and assistant researcher at the Christian Research Institute from the years 1986 to 1989. He served for many years in the Orthodox Church, and in 1998 was ordained to the Priesthood in Jerusalem by His Holiness Patriarch DIODOROS.

Father John Claypool is now an Arch Priest under the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, and the Secretary Pro-Tem to His Holiness IRINAEOS, the true Patriarch of Jerusalem. Fr. John’s continued refusal to recognize the illegitimate Patriarch has brought him in direct opposition to those who support the current Patriarchate. As a result of his refusal to stand down, Fr. John has suffered ostracism and persecution, losing his own parish in 2008. Nevertheless, he remains an unwavering witness to the truth.


Patriarch Irenaeos


Father John